15 July 2010
Water Water Everywhere and Not a Drop To Drink!
It aint 'alf 'ot
14 July 2010
Sleep Champion
12 July 2010
Mine's Bigger Than Yours!
Now, I don't want anyone to get me wrong. Having lived in Sydney for a few years and thoroughly enjoyed all it had to offer (I even met 2 of my favourite friends there - you know who you are) I know how pretty it is, however I get a little bit uncomfortable with the "my state is better than your state" conversations. I like Sydney, but my leg isn't going to fall off if I don't care about the harbour's popularity ratings and if I do get on board I feel unnecessarily guilty for being disloyal to WA and then what about the newly adopted state of Victoria? Where do I draw the line? Where do my allegiances lie?
So whilst avoiding this woman in the Qantas lounge a very tall, blonde, quite attractive young man about 20 years old sauntered across the room. It was his height that first caught my eye, 2nd was his cute face, 3rd - his buff arms in the chesty bonds he was wearing. My eyes dart up again and note the very cool over sized headphones laying loosely around his neck. Eyes down again and this is where Jen and I fumbled for a camera of something whilst both simultaneously laughing in horror and looking away but being drawn back o the wrongness - the boy's chesty Bonds singlet was tucked into his boxer shorts (blue check) and the reason we know this is because his jeans were a good 10-15 cms below the waistband of the boxers. You all know the look people. Sure, it's out there, but it doesn't make it right in fact it's, as Jo from Super Nanny says "unasseptable".
Honestly, where has the Qantas lounge prestige gone?
schtarry schtarry night........
Lemon Squash? Where's the beer?????
10 July 2010
New Year's Eve - in July!
And the countdown begins.......
3....2.....1..... - WOOHOO!
09 July 2010
All I Want For Christmas is a Knitted Jumper From Tallinn
We went to Tallinn with a group from the ship and there were quite a few special people in the group. This one (below) insisted on walking in the front of the group and would push his way past everyone to get there. I felt like I was back at school - "we're all going to the same place mate and really you're arms won't fall off if you're not first!" He did have an ingenious idea of where to keep his brolly though. Full marks for that.
And........ I bought a hat from the market! Look out for me on the streets of Melbourne this winter.
07 July 2010
Where's the caviar?
Entertainment: kitchy
Dinner: Shyte
Wine: undrinkable
Caviar: measly
I think that says it all!
06 July 2010
Come Dine With Me.......
05 July 2010
Travel All Over The Countryside - Ask the Leyland Brotheeeerrrsssss
from this station.....
and we got off at Porvoo Station which is the red brick building that you can see behind Jen in this photo. This is where we all piled back on the bus and then the bus drove to where Jen is standing, then we all piled out again and walked over bridge into the old town of Porvoo. It took us longer to walk back to the bus and pile on that it would have to walk to the town from the train station!
Our tour guide spoke English very well, but paused inbetween every couple of words, so it was very frustrating to listen to..... we were sitting directly behind her in the bus and we had to hold each other's hands down to stop us from smacking the back of her head to get those words out. It made it very hard to stay interested in what she was saying..... but really - she was mainly telling us which faculty of the university was based in each building as we passed through Helsinki, so who cares? Then every now and then you would hear a ".......were very often guests of the King." or "...... had to get out of Russia." That's when Jen and I would look at each other and say "Who?" and then have to shrug. Who knows? It was however lovely to get out of the city and see some of the country side.
We were then taken back into Helsinki to the have look at a few of the sites.
I heart Helsinki..... noice one Jen!
A Little Less Conversation...........
drawl accent)
* Agro woman to her boyfriend: "you don't know, you were asleep!"
* Man storming out of the lift with his wife following behind: "It's this way. Just follow me and
don't argue!"
* Her: "So is that what gives you diahrea?"
Him: "yeah"
* Man on the train: "She smells like glue!" (refering out our tour guide)
To be continued.........
04 July 2010
Have You Heard About The Vasa?
This chap was in the next tour bus to ours - when in Sweden........
The Star Princess
A fabulous view from the balcony
The people we've met so far on the boat (and when I say 'met', I mean stared at as they walked past or sat next too us) haven't been people that we have really wanted to stay in contact with. We have had the "one armed diners" who we guess were mature honeymooners as they sat on top of each other and only used one arm each to eat.... he had one arm around her shoulder and used his fork with his right hand; she was uncomfortably snugged into his armpit and used her fork with her left hand. We have spotted them around the ship and they have been joined at the hip each time. We have also come across another couple - we're not sure what their story is, but she has, as Jen describes, an ugly mouth. She is quite aggressive and doesn't appear to be happy with anything. He looks desperately like he's trying to appease her bad mood - then we realised that they were in the cabin below us.... we look forward to those fireworks!
02 July 2010
Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen
....... until a scatting jazz band set up right next to us and a woman lit up her cigar at the next table - honestly!!!!!
30 June 2010
Goodbye Doesn't Mean This Has To Be The End......
My pretty sister
My comical sister, about to eat her breakfast with the baby cutlery she'd been given
See you in 3 more weeks Girlie Robbins.
"Have you ever wondered why the crime rate in Sandford is so low, yet the accident rate is so high?" Sargeant Angel, Hot Fuzz
Is there a secret society here amongst the literary villagers that the mere visitor is not privy to?