Jen and myself being extremely civilized with a little champas on the balcony before dinner
Last night was the big ship Rock Quiz. Our group of friends made up a group of 10 and all day they were telling me that they'd be relying on my knowledge of music. I was a little embarrassed to say that I have no knowledge of music past the early 90's.... I know what I like - but I can't always tell you who sings it. Luckily we had our very own Miff Warberg in the shape of Bruce, who knew everything within the first couple of bars..... and what he didn't know - Jen did. And luckily all the music was from the post war era (just) - we thought we were a sure thing - but in the end we lost by 1 miserable point. Also between every question one or all of your group had to get up and dance...
at first we nominated a couple of ladies who were very happy to undertake this challenge, but by the end - we were all up there shaking our groove thang.
Naturally - as on any good cruise ship with musical entertainment a conga line formed - and as usual - hilarity ensued.
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