After being wowed by the D'Orsay Musee' the other day, Jen and I decided that we would tackle the Louvre. And quite frankly, you have to do at least once. Jode had done it once and decided that she would take herself elsewhere for a look at something new. I had also done it before, but someone had to go with me Jenny.
We were up at "the crack" as all the guide books and previous traveller advice givers tell you to do and we were there at the front door of the Louvre at 9am - opening time.... and we did quite well, no line outside and downstairs,
We're not quite sure. Could it be the smile? Could it be the mystery that surrounds her? Could it be a massive marketing ploy like "The Blair Witch Project" which made people talk and watch and look and talk? And still generations later - we're still racing to get a gander at this tiny little painting. Anyway, after this discussion we sat in silence for a while just taking in the overwhelming surroundings that is the Louvre - French Impressionists, Italian Sculpture, Egyptian Artifacts...... and Jen's comment was.... "Gee that lady has got a pointy nose". I'd like to remind you that we were sitting in the Louvre in Paris, in France 'girt' by centuries old, priceless artworks and that's the only critique my cultured mother could conjure up about not just any piece of old art, but a living, moving, human lady as she walked past us, perhaps considering why the Mona Lisa was so popular. My Jenny just likes to call it like she sees it!
Me and Me Jenny outside the Louvre - just in case anyone was wondering..... my eyes - although still looking quite red and sore where much better the next day. I'd like to thank you for caring.
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