24 June 2010

A little less conversation a little more action please

You know when you're walking in one direction and you pass people going the other way who are speaking really loudly either on their phones or to their friends and you just catch a portion of the sentence? Well here are some snippets of conversations that we have overheard on our travels........

* Why do I smell loike oim on foire.......? (please read with strong, twangy Australian accent)

* You go into the lounge and look on the left hand side of the TV...........

* It's either in the Ann Summers or the harmony sex shop..........

* Sweetie, sweetie, I just love you to bits......... (please read in strong American accent)

* So I said to him ' That's just not good enough...............'

Where are these people going? What the hell are they talking about?

I feel that this post may be ongoing...............

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