Last year, when I was in England for only a few days I asked Tanya, my lovely, lovely friend to choose a place where all of the old crowd could all meet up and have a drink. She did such a fabulous job that I employed her services again for this trip. She then delegated the all important duty to the lovely Saskia who chose "The 'Old' Crown". I didn't realise, that there was a "New" Crown just a couple of doors down and also another "Crown" around the corner.
Tans & Nick
Saskia & my lovely sister, Jodie
So as people finally arrived at "The 'Old' Crown" they all said "Oh, we just had a drink down the road looking for you!" At least they found us in the end.
When I lived in England, I had (and still have - from afar) a fabulous group of friends. I also had (and still have) wonderful friends who I met through schools that I worked in....... I say 'worked' - but it was more like the place I would go for my social meetings - and there were lots of kids around! I do miss my ladies from work and it was fabuloso to see some of them.
Karen and Vikki
Two of the luffliest ladies there ever lived! A big call, but I stand by it.
Karen & myself
This luffly lady, her husband Chris and the gorgeous Miss Polly made the trek down from Rugby (that's in the middle of the UK for those of you who don't know) just to have a drink and a laugh - what absolute super troupers! And they sent hugs and kisses from other luffly ladies that I worked with up there - Marie and Pat - they were well received!
When I first arrived in London, we were sitting in a pub called "Sully's". It was dark and dingy, full of old blokes and pool playing Millwall supporters. But there was one chap who started it all. He bravely approached two very attractive Australian ladies and asked them to join him in a game of pool. Our friendship blossomed from then on and we have never looked back. This person is of course.......
He needs no more words. I love him dearly.
I was chuffed with the turnout - especially as it was on a Monday night. I think you are all the toppest people in the world and the next time I visit - it will be on a weekend - I promise!
(L-R): Linda, Matt, Trish, Karen, Vikki, Tans, Nick, Saskia, Tori, Ray, Jasmine, Paula, Karen, Chris, ME, James, JP and Chris.
Absent: Catherine, Jodie (taking the photo)
After the night subsided and people started peeling off to catch their buses and trains we put our order in for one more round..... however, we had drank them out of Magners! The crazy lot we are said well since it's the last drink of the night - we can't let the evening go without doing at least one HOOHA - this for those not quite in the know is a shot of Jagermeister dropped into a pint of Redbull and downed! Once you have consumed the delicious drink - you shout - "HOOHA!" It was our starter drink of choice back then and seemed only fitting to end this reunion evening on the same note.
In the toilet of this pub, they play an audio tape of Treasure Island. So it was quite nice to take a load off every now and then and take in a chapter. Just lucky there wasn't a cue! And speaking of toilets..... we were kindly asked to leave the establishment just after midnight, when I said my goodbyes and ran home in the style of a marathon walker because there was a good chance that I could have wet my pants - I was all of a sudden busting and didn't want to walk all the way up the stairs again. I did, however triumph over my bladder and made it home in one dry piece.
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