31 May 2010

There are Angels among us

Sitting, waiting to board the last leg of this journey to Prague.... people watching - our favourite pasttime. We were searching for possible ship mates and so far everyone could be a possibility..... Everyone seems to be a 3/4 aged (somewhere between middle and old aged) couples who look like they are called Ron and Joan or Graham and Jan. However none are showing concrete signs (like a backpack with the cruise name emblazened on it) So we'll just have to wait until tonight's "meet and greet" at the hotel.

Gazing around the room and 2 by 2 large, hairy and leather clad bikies entre the boarding lounge. They are of varying ages and sizes and hairiness - and actually look like they belong to a vetran chapter. Each member is wearing their compulsary leather waistcoat with the name of their city. Darwin was present - complete with curly mullet, ink and shorts!! (it's raining in Frankfurt today)

Looking forward to getting out of airports and away from planes for a while now.


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