19 June 2010

Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

Whooooops! I'd just like to clarify that a few posts back, I referred to one of the chaps on our boat being like "Miff Warlberg"..... when in fact I meant "Miff Warhurst" of the spicks and specs fame..... and not the lesser known sister of Mark Warlberg of the Funky Bunch or NKOTB Fames.

Sorry Miff.


  1. I was a little confused by that when I first read the post, but I figured I knew who you meant :)

  2. Thank you Shoully - I also knew who I meant, but it wasn't until it was pointed out to me by my sister that I realised my mistake - sorry to my readers and sorry to Miff whatever your name is. x
